54 research outputs found

    Bundles of generalized theta functions over abelian surfaces

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    We study the bundles of generalized theta functions constructed from moduli spaces of sheaves over abelian surfaces. In degree 0, the splitting type of these bundles is expressed in terms of indecomposable semihomogeneous factors. Furthermore, Fourier-Mukai symmetries of the Verlinde bundles are found, consistently with strange duality. Along the way, a transformation formula for the theta bundles is derived, extending a theorem of Drezet-Narasimhan from curves to abelian surfaces

    On the intersection theory of the moduli space of rank two bundles

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    We give an algebro-geometric derivation of the known intersection theory on the moduli space of stable rank 2 bundles of odd degree over a smooth curve of genus g. We lift the computation from the moduli space to a Quot scheme, where we obtain the intersections by equivariant localization with respect to a natural torus action

    Quot schemes of curves and surfaces: virtual classes, integrals, Euler characteristics

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    We compute tautological integrals over Quot schemes on curves and surfaces. After obtaining several explicit formulas over Quot schemes of dimension 0 quotients on curves (and finding a new symmetry), we apply the results to tautological integrals against the virtual fundamental classes of Quot schemes of dimension 0 and 1 quotients on surfaces (using also universality, torus localization, and cosection localization). The virtual Euler characteristics of Quot schemes of surfaces, a new theory parallel to the Vafa-Witten Euler characteristics of the moduli of bundles, is defined and studied. Complete formulas for the virtual Euler characteristics are found in the case of dimension 0 quotients on surfaces. Dimension 1 quotients are studied on K3 surfaces and surfaces of general type with connections to the Kawai-Yoshioka formula and the Seiberg-Witten invariants respectively. The dimension 1 theory is completely solved for minimal surfaces of general type admitting a nonsingular canonical curve. Along the way, we find a new connection between weighted tree counting and multivariate Fuss-Catalan numbers which is of independent interest
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